is pleased to offer our interline clients interline rates on select sailings on Hurtigruten. Sailings into June 2025 are now open at incredible savings. The other dates will open up 5 to 6 months in advance. In this list are destinations that are on every interliner's bucket list, Antartica and the Galapagos!! You will also find sailings to Alaska the NW … [Read more...]
Hurtigruten Interline Rates and Who Qualifies
NATCA memberrs can now book Hurtigruten Cruises interline rates by calling our office at 800 766-2911. Who Qualifies? NATCA members, spouses plus parents and in-laws of NATCA members and anyone sharing the cabin. Plus on select sailings you can book extra cabins for extended family & friends. To see what sailing dates are open and the interline rates you can search … [Read more...]